Medicinal Epsom Salt

A Special Kind of Salt

Magnesium is the second-most abundant element in human cells and the fourth-most important positively charged ion in the body, so it’s little wonder this low-profile mineral is so vital to good health and well-being. Magnesium, a major component of Epsom Salt, also helps to regulate the activity of more than 325 enzymes and performs a vital role in orchestrating many bodily functions, from muscle control and electrical impulses to energy production and the elimination of harmful toxins.

The National Academy of Sciences, however, reports that most people are magnesium deficient, helping to account for high rates of heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive maladies and stress-related illnesses, chronic fatigue and a host of other ailments. The Academy estimates the average male gets just 80% of the magnesium required, while females get only 70% of their recommended levels. Nutritionists say average magnesium levels have dropped more than 50% in the past century.


Better Health Through Soaking

Magnesium can be ingested as a nutritional supplement, but studies show that a wide variety of factors – the presence of specific foods or drugs, certain medical conditions, even the individual chemistry of a person’s stomach acid – can interfere with their effectiveness. But all of the subjects in a recent study experienced increased magnesium levels from soaking in a bath enriched with magnesium sulfate crystals, commonly known as Epsom Salt.


Why It Works

Magnesium – the key component of Epsom Salt — performs more functions in more systems of the human body than virtually any other mineral, including regulating the activity of more than 325 enzymes.

Studies show that magnesium is:

  • An electrolyte, helping to ensure proper muscle, nerve and enzyme function.
  • Critical to the proper use of calcium in cells.
  • An aid in helping to prevent heart disease and strokes by lowering blood pressure, protecting the elasticity of arteries, preventing blood clots and reducing the risk of sudden heart attack deaths.

Medical Research also indicates that magnesium may:

  • Increase the effectiveness of insulin, helping to lower the risk or severity of diabetes.
  • Reduce inflammation and relieves pain, making it a beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma, migraine headaches and fibromyalgia.

Health Benefits

Studies show these benefits from the major components of Epsom Salt may:


  • Ease stress and improves sleep and concentration
  • Help muscles and nerves function properly
  • Regulate activity of 325+ enzymes
  • Help prevent artery hardening and blood clots. Make insulin more effective.
  • Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps.
  • Improve oxygen use


  •  Flush out toxins
  • Improve absorption of nutrients
  • Help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins
  • Help prevent or ease migraine headaches

Researchers and physicians report that raising your Magnesium levels may:

  • Improve heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering blood pressure.
  • Improve the body’s ability to use insulin, reducing the incidence or severity of diabetes.
  • Flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances.
  • Improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Also, calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood.
  • Relieve stress. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body. Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well-being and relaxation.

Although magnesium can be absorbed through the digestive tract, many foods, drugs and medical conditions can interfere with the effectiveness of this deliver method. Therefore, soaking in an Epsom Salt bath is one of the most effective means of making the magnesium your body needs readily available.

Epsom Salt also delivers sulfates, which medical research indicates are needed for the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and the mucin proteins that line the walls of the digestive tract. Studies show that sulfates also stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes and help to detoxify the body’s residue of medicines and environmental contaminants. Studies indicate that sulfates are difficult to absorb from food, but are readily absorbed through the skin.

During floating, your body will absorb the perfect amount of magnesium and sulfates. When your body becomes saturated, it will simply stop absorbing magnesium and sulfates!

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